Writing first Python script
We will write a function, which will accept user input and validate, if user has entered incorrect input. It will keep on prompting for user input until it gets correct input.
def getFloatFromUser(prompt):
while True:
number = raw_input(prompt)
number = float(number)
print 'That is not a float, please try again.'
# everything OK
return number
myFloat = getFloatFromUser('Please enter a float: ')
print myFloat
We have saved above code to my_first_python_script.py file.
Running Python script
We have saved our python file to our tutorial folder. Now, we will open the terminal and run this file, but before that, we need to change file to executable.
$chmod +x /Desktop/MyTutorial/Python/my_first_python_script.py
Once, you have changed file to executable , you need to type following command to execute your python script :
$python /Desktop/MyTutorial/Python/my_first_python_script.py
The script will start executing and expects valid input, please refer below snippet :
$ python /Desktop/MyTutorial/Python/my_first_python_script.py
Please enter a float: tt
That is not a float, please try again.
Please enter a float: las
That is not a float, please try again.
Please enter a float: sdf
That is not a float, please try again.
Please enter a float: 90
Until user enters valid input, it will keep on prompting for valid input. Once, user enters valid input, it will display it to screen and come out from the loop.
That's it !!
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